Becoming a Monk, The Story of Lama Kunphel

In a remote village named Thiksay in Ladakh which is surrounding by the borders areas between India and Tibet and Pakistan, a child was born as a first son of Mrs Sharma Yangchen and Mr Rigzin Namgail in very late night of  4th April 1989 after their three-year of prayers and wishes,

The name “Nawang Kunphel” was given by the Abbot of Thiksay Monastery, a very famous and biggest Monastery in Ladakh looking a little bit similar as Lhasa Palace in Tibet, he told the child’s parents that this boy should be brought up “very clean”. Following the advice of the Abbot, his parents took care of him very seriously since they believed that the advice might be holding a great reason behind.

At the age of two to three, he started to speak a lot of things and stories likely about his past life and expressed his wishes to be a monk. His parents were surprised with this phenomenon, but they were really not  happy as they did not want the boy to be a monk. Easily understanding, beccause they would like their child to take care of the family in the future as a normal family usually when they were older.

But the kid insisted all the time that “I should become a monk in this life otherwise I may live only till the age of eighteen”.

As a custom of Ladakhi, the future of a child would be asked at an astrologer,   Likewise, the astrologer also said the same that their son might have a threatening danger of life at the age of eighteen.

 However, his parents still wanted him to be with them and tried the best to avoid their kid to become a monk, but he never stopped the request for his wish being a monk right away.

Eventually, after many years of his efforts, his parents thought of having another child and if that was a boy, then they would let him to become a monk.

Fortunately, at the age of ten, his mother delivered another boy who gave a change in the life of Lama Nawang Kunphel and a chance for him to become a monk. His parents and his uncle decided to sent him to Sera Jhe Monastery, located in South India, where he could learn the Buddhism.

And, therefore, at the age of eleven, he was a monk to begin studying at Sera Jhe Monastic University.  The Whole Course of Buddhist Studies requires to take totally from 17 years to 24 years. That is really a Long Journey!

Compassionate Seed.