Charity Project to Nomads







For those people who live in minus 35 degree Celsius with almost no facilities when the rest of the world is enjoying a good weather.

For those who spend months without even washing their face when the rest of the world takes shower  everyday.

Here are some pics which are taken when I was preparing the jackets, vegetables and hats with my team for the nomads who live in some extreme remote villages in Changthang plateau in Himalaya with almost no facilities, which is located at around 5000 meters above sea level and which is cut of from the rest of the World for around 3-6 months with the huge snow fall in winter for many months.


On the way to Dat Kharnak

This place is usually cut off from the rest of the world for many months due to the heavy snow at the mountain of high blocks the road for months and months and also nobody know when it is going to snow. We knew that if snow falls while we reach there then we might stuck there for months or we could even stuck there on a way for week or so.

Passing through the snowy mountains which is located at 5000 meters above sea level and to reach there it took 11 and half hours. It was all hope and courage that brought us there, luckily we reached there save and sound. High altitude gave us some headache but we were so happy to reach there save to deliver those goods which was long waited dream.

As Buddha explained that People won’t be happy without wealth, and wealth does not comes without being generous, that’s why the perfection of generosity was taught first among the six perfections.”

My special thanks to sis Maria Chandra and her team, Dr Trinh and all those who supported, also my uncle for helping with transportation and my team for always be there to accompany me in all my projects.


Lama Nawang Kunphel