LAMDON MODEL SCHOOL THIKSAY is a private school located in Thiksey village, Led, Ladakh. The school was established in 1989 and is a Junior School up to 8th standard. Lamdon Model School, Thiksey is an ally of Lamdon Model Senior Secondary School Leh
The school is a Co-educational and the academic session starts in April. The school has totally nine classrooms for instructional purposes. In addition, it has two other rooms for non-teaching activities and a separate room for Head Master/Teacher.
The source of Drinking Water in the school is Tap Water. The school has two separated toilets, one for boys and one for girls. The school has a playground and a library with about 110 books. For the disabled children, they can access classrooms without the ramp. The school has 10 computers for teaching and learning purposes in functioning and a computer aided learning lab.
At the beginning (1989), the school was established with just 13 students and two teachers and currently it has a residential hostel with 14 rooms and 60 hostelers where some our kids [Compassionate Seed] are stay. The school financially provides the sponsors to weak and poor students.
2. Lamdon Model School, Thiksey, Leh-Ladakh.